Technology and how it shaped the World.


What is Code? What are the highest paid jobs currently? How much have we changed in technology.

The year is 2022. So much of the world has changed throughout the course of time, and the major backbone for this to happen was 'Industrialisation', that period helped people to improve the standard of living across the world. 

At the mid-period of human evolution, 'bartering' was carried out, people would exchange goods with others with what they didn't have, i.e. a carrot for a apple. This allowed people to 'purchase' items they didn't have before. As Industrialisation occurred people would developed 'legal tender', people had to 'earn' this doing work. Since that period technology has helped mankind it's self through many ways, people found the wheel, later they made the car, later they made telephone, cars and planes. 

Coming back to the year 2022, we got hit with a huge pandemic that is still running in some parts of the country, here in Sri Lanka schools and most public places are opened. Even through this the pandemic, technology was still at our advantage, what firstly was used at office meetings 'zoom' become worldwide famous, people attended Church, classes and what not. For students 'Microsoft Teams' was available, all the students were able to access the same files and attend classes. We are still at the start of 2022, even through various limitations, technology allows people to experiment reusable space shuttles and send them to orbit.

Due to all this taking place, the expertise for technology also increases to software engineers and data scientists. These specialised people do various tasks from creating software to sorting large amounts of raw data. To start all of this, people have to start from the base and that is learning how to code.

Coding allows people to communicate with the computer, people have learned to code but nobody has been able to master code, since new information is constantly being found in the field of computer science, going deeper into the topic is similar to looking through the human body, there are some limits that we cannot exceed. AI has enabled people to modify how a computer thinks making it similar to the human brain. 

I'll discuss on this topic in more detail on my next blog.

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